Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I always felt very terrified when I sees insects. I think that they are very disgusting. If the insects are on my skin, I felt even more scared. I think that they are very ugly and will spread diseases to the community. Every time when I see a insect or crawlie, I would ask my father to killthe insect. I always felt that lizard is very slimy. When I see a lizard , I jumped back two steps. I am extremely scared of bees. There was one time, a bee was buzzing near my ear. I was scared out of my wits.

I scared that the bee would fly into my ear and I become deaf. I also scared that the bee would sting me. I only thank bee for one thing is that they produce honey. I love honey. It is sweet. There are a lot of insects in the world. There is no way I could kill all of them. I know thatit is a very cruel thing to kill all insects. I mean they are also living thing. Living thing has threvery right to live. But when I thought of this I would already killed a insect.

I really can't control myself. Insects and crawlies, why must they come to the world? If the world has none of them, would we live better? Ireally don't know for everyone. But fof me, it definitelywould be better. I think that there is no way for me to conquer my fear towards insects.