Thursday, January 28, 2010

My identity

This photo is taken at the Cameron hotel. It was a very nice scenery. There was a beautiful Chrismas tree behind. There was a small house behind me. I like staying in the hotel. It is not hot at all. I went there during the December holidays. There was a lot of different country flags in the hotel.
The hotel was decorated with a lot things.It is very cold at Cameron. When I go out, I need to wear a lot of clothes to keep myself warm. At night, if I go out of the hotel I would be very scared. It is very creepy. I just have a kind of feeling which I cannot describe. I sleep with the light on at the hotel. I dare not go to the toilet at night. I would ask my aunt accompany to the toilet. Still, I can sleep very well at the hotel.
At the morning I went downstairs for my buffet breakfast. It was very delicious. I ate a lot as it was real yummy. How nice if I could have the buffet everyday. I would not be tired eating the great variety of food.I am a glutton. So for today i have end my talk. See you!


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