Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I always felt very terrified when I sees insects. I think that they are very disgusting. If the insects are on my skin, I felt even more scared. I think that they are very ugly and will spread diseases to the community. Every time when I see a insect or crawlie, I would ask my father to killthe insect. I always felt that lizard is very slimy. When I see a lizard , I jumped back two steps. I am extremely scared of bees. There was one time, a bee was buzzing near my ear. I was scared out of my wits.

I scared that the bee would fly into my ear and I become deaf. I also scared that the bee would sting me. I only thank bee for one thing is that they produce honey. I love honey. It is sweet. There are a lot of insects in the world. There is no way I could kill all of them. I know thatit is a very cruel thing to kill all insects. I mean they are also living thing. Living thing has threvery right to live. But when I thought of this I would already killed a insect.

I really can't control myself. Insects and crawlies, why must they come to the world? If the world has none of them, would we live better? Ireally don't know for everyone. But fof me, it definitelywould be better. I think that there is no way for me to conquer my fear towards insects.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

My identity

This photo is taken at the Cameron hotel. It was a very nice scenery. There was a beautiful Chrismas tree behind. There was a small house behind me. I like staying in the hotel. It is not hot at all. I went there during the December holidays. There was a lot of different country flags in the hotel.
The hotel was decorated with a lot things.It is very cold at Cameron. When I go out, I need to wear a lot of clothes to keep myself warm. At night, if I go out of the hotel I would be very scared. It is very creepy. I just have a kind of feeling which I cannot describe. I sleep with the light on at the hotel. I dare not go to the toilet at night. I would ask my aunt accompany to the toilet. Still, I can sleep very well at the hotel.
At the morning I went downstairs for my buffet breakfast. It was very delicious. I ate a lot as it was real yummy. How nice if I could have the buffet everyday. I would not be tired eating the great variety of food.I am a glutton. So for today i have end my talk. See you!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

All about me

Hi! Do you know who I am? I am Rowell Quek from class 1e4. Still don't know me? I hope that after you have read about me,you understand me better. I am the the only child in my family. I felt very happy studying in Henderson Secondary School. When I first came to Henderson Secondary School,all the faces in Henderson was new to me. Only some people was at my former primary school. My primary school was at Gan Eng Seng.

During my first week in Henderson,I had orientation camp. I must say that I had a lot of fun at the camp. Through the camp I can understand my friends better. But as you know good times never last. Don't get me wrong. I am not saying that bad times last. I am sure everybody only want to remember good things and not bad things. Am I right? Ok,now let me tell you what are my hobbies.

Oh! I have a lot of hobbies. Let me name a few for you. I enjoy doing exercise as it help me to keep fit and healthy. This means that I have healthfulness in me which I am happy about. I also like reading comics,playing electronic games and listening to music.These heip me to relax after studying. I also like collecting postcards and stickers. If you look at my colletion you will be shocked.

Five days in a week at school i like Friday the best as it was a CCA day. It was very relaxing. If you ask me what CCA I would like to join,my answer to you is NPCC. I think that the CCA is very fun and I can learn a lot of things such as tying knots,road safety and a lot more other things. So now let me end my conversation here.Next time i would tell you more about me. Bye!